When I think of October many things come to mind – fall, football, Halloween – and as a consultant and business owner – planning for next year. This is the time of year where many organizations begin the challenging process of balancing the optimism of what is possible with the pragmatism of what is likely to occur. These planning exercises usually result in the creation of goals that revolve around revenue, profitability, quality, and many other important pursuits.
While the exercise of setting goals is incredibly important, and the time and effort that is often associated with creating these goals is significant, in many cases it also signals the end of a formal planning process. Organizations that consistently achieve and exceed goals don’t do so simply because they are great at setting those goals. Instead, they prove time after time that they spend as much or more time and effort developing strategies and executing a plan against those strategies that will ultimately lead to goal achievement.
It was Antoine de Saint-Exupery who wisely wrote, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
As I optimistically look forward to next year, my planning efforts won’t conclude with goals that end up being wishes. I will commit the time to develop a plan to execute against to ensure those goals are achieved. Will you?
Setting direction is the primary responsibility for the leadership of any organization. SDI has developed and facilitated dozens of executive level strategic planning exercises that result in actionable plans. We can help ensure your wishes become achieved goals. Contact us today to begin the process.