Change is difficult and intimidating at every level, but having reliable superiors helps. The role of leadership in technological implementation is crucial before, during, and after the introduction of new systems like ERP, HRIS, CRM, or HCM. Employees need the opportunity to talk about any concerns they have prior to an implementation, along with any issues they’ve run into with the changes. Just as important, your employees need constant communication and the ability to lend their thoughts to the troubleshooting process. Giving them time to share their input is an invaluable asset for forward-thinking leaders.
Effective Leaders Embrace Transparency
Leaders shape company culture. Blind adoption by leadership without experiencing new technology themselves can be misconstrued as shallow and disingenuous. Transparency can help smooth the wrinkles of doubt and discomfort that will surface with the tension of change.
Prem Kumar, a senior director at TINYPulse, suggests transparency is “paying people the respect of bringing them along on your journey—whether it’s explaining why a decision was made with honest detail or holding yourself and others accountable.” After all, nobody likes to feel like they’re alone! Keeping communication open between leadership and employees will make everyone feel involved, and will help employees understand they are a part of the journey.
We’re All in this Together
Beyond employees having an environment where they can voice their concerns, incentivizing them in the face of these big changes can help develop understanding and lessen frustration. Showing them the opportunities that new technologies create for them, for the company, and being forthcoming about the impact it will have on business factors into changing their mindset. Even after implementation, there will still be resistance to change, and every chance to paint change in a positive light will go a long way toward improving company morale.
My team has helped numerous companies troubleshoot new solutions, and we want to help guide you and your employees through the difficult process of technology implementation, and navigate the challenges new systems pose even after installation. We’ll be discussing some further issues we’ve seen in the post-implementation process regarding proper training programs, user experience, and communication of training successes in my upcoming post. See you in a couple of weeks as we tackle the post-implementation stage, and as always, catch up on any past blogs here!