According to a study on Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, small business owners who invest in training are more likely to report growth. In a world where companies both large and small are battling for the same quality talent, having the resources to effectively train and retain good employees matters equally for everyone. By allotting the resources to invest in employees, they will in turn invest in the business. When it’s done right, training also aligns people with business goals and values, instilling a common mission among all employees.
Why does training in small businesses often fail?
Finding the time and the right resources to create an engaging training experience is tough. Because smaller businesses don’t have the same resources available to them, they find themselves pulling together a hodgepodge of tools in an attempt to create an experience that is both informational and interactive. However, some of the tools needed in a well-rounded training program are so unique to each organization, they often cannot be found off-the-shelf. So, when businesses are left on their own to develop a program, the experiences usually lack in one area or another, leaving employees either unexcited about learning or unclear about the expectations.
One of the best ways to provide a training experience that is engaging to all audience members is to account for the diverse learning styles in your specific group. It’s also important for the training to be broken up into consumable pieces to accommodate for demanding schedules and shorter attention spans.
Tips on getting the maximum impact from your training program.
When investing in a new or updated training program, it’s important that the strategies and tools selected are customized to the culture and needs of the business. While specific learning preferences may vary from person to person, most people learn best from highly visual content. This is why engaging training should include elements of animation and illustration! Motion graphic videos incorporate both of these elements and can be a captivating way to relay concepts and highlight memorable key points. Another motivating learning strategy is the use of gamification, which encourages users to have fun while they learn, ultimately leading to increased recall and retention! This strategy is especially useful for presenting real-life challenges in an informal setting, allowing employees to learn in a safe environment.
Regardless of size, the success of any business is dependent on the output of its people. In order to bring in and keep the talent that is capable of driving your business forward, training programs need to be treated as an opportunity to discuss the uniqueness of the business while also teaching the skills needed to be a successful contributor! If you’re interested in aligning and retaining the people already in your organization or drawing in the best new talent, talk to us or take a look at some of the training experiences we have done for our clients!