Create Connections to Build Engagement

Jack Welch once said, “There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow.” In my opinion, there are two reasons why Jack Welch, one of the world’s most respected and celebrated CEOs, lists employee engagement as his first […]

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We Need a Reality Check from Virtual Reality

Imagine a world where training meets “Back to the Future” technology. Instead of mundane PowerPoint presentations, training is delivered by a holographic instructor in a virtual reality so immersive your brain can hardly determine what’s real and what’s not. Or what about a class delivered by a robot capable of assessing your knowledge gaps and […]

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Waking Up the Sleepy Kids in Training Classes Around the World

It’s difficult to get adults excited about training. Even with the added hype of technology based learning, developers have a hard time creating training that can compete with the more entertaining content found on things like Twitter and Facebook. Because let’s be real, Corgi videos are a little more entertaining than your typical workplace safety […]

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This is an Anti-Millenial Blog

I’m sure the title got your attention in the way I intended, and if it did, you may be disappointed by the rest of this blog.  However, if you want to get a different perspective on this seemingly never-ending “millennial conversation”, please read on. I am admittedly a content junkie, so I have an appreciation […]

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Starting A Performance Management Movement

If you haven’t noticed yet, your workforce isn’t changing…it’s changed. It’s more digital, global, connected, and it’s full of highly talented millennials that are more motivated by work experience than a paycheck. And to complicate matters, the expectations, needs, and demands of your business are evolving at Mach speeds.  Millennials will make up 75% of […]

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How Leadership Drives Company Culture

Few things impact the work environment and company culture like leadership does, yet investing in leadership is often put on the backburner until it’s too late. Many businesses that are struggling with employee engagement, performance, and retention often fail to realize that there may be a solution to their problems that can also have other […]

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How Investing in Leadership Development Will Save Your Company Money

Having quality leaders is a requirement for any organization to be successful. Yet many organizations under-invest in developing their current leaders, and more importantly, preparing future leaders to play an important role.  Succession issues, growth, and a thin labor market are just some of the factors that are constantly putting pressure on your leadership pipeline. […]

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3 Key Benefits of Microlearning

Lately the eLearning and training industries have been fascinated with the concept of microlearning, and for good reason. Not only does the training method promote employee engagement, it is also a more cost-effective method than traditional learning. 1. Microlearning uses bursts of information that actually stick A 2013 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that the average human attention span is about eight seconds. This is why traditional learning is no […]

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3 Elements that Make Gamification So Effective

Gamification is one of the key strategies used by SDI Experience to engage learners and accomplish quality training. Jim, the Creative Director at SDI Experience, will share his insider knowledge on the key elements of gamification, and how they work to ramp up the learning experience. Using gamification improves memory retention One of the things […]

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